Puppy classes

Puppy Prep-School

Price: $950 + HST
This class is for puppies 8-16 weeks old.

There is currently a COVID related supply issue for Exercise Pens. We will no longer be including an Exercise Pen as part of the program and we have reduced the pricing to reflect this change. We STRONGLY recommend you purchase one where available.

Turn the chaos with your new puppy into a family member who is a pleasure to live with.

  • Are you tired of cleaning up puppy piles and puddles?

  • Are you tired of hearing the kids scream that the puppy has them trapped on the couch…again?

  • Has your home become a giant chew toy for this new furball with teeth?

With this program you will learn how to:

  • teach your puppy how to happily hang out on it’s bed when your house is crazy

  • create a puppy that joyfully participates with you on walks and hikes

  • teach your puppy to cheerfully return to you when called

  • develop your puppy into a confident dog that is a pleasure to live with and a joy to show off

During this program you will receive 10 weeks of in-person group learning with 1 private 1:1 session for additional support to ensure maximum success.

More info below!

“The fine print” We strongly recommend you purchase an exercise pen (why? to control nipping, to prevent destructive chewing, to prevent unwanted jumping, to prevent the puppy from knocking over your children and to manage barking)

The program includes a welcome package of several items. A treat tote (why? to have your puppy work for its meals, to give you easy access to rewards and a uniquely designed treat tote to easily wean your puppy off of food rewards), beef rollover (why? because SO many people ask us what types of treats we use in class. It’s actually a dog food, not a treat which is more nutritionally balanced for the dogs and the dogs LOVE it), raised cot bed (why? because we are going to teach your dog to learn to LOVE the bed. Why? It’s going to be your secret weapon to teach your dog to chill out in the house, not jump on your guests when you answer the door and give you peace in your household!), 30 foot training line (why? because you will need to teach your puppy how to behave even at a distance, not just up close to you. They are also great for going for hikes while keeping your puppy safe) and a Gentle Leader should your puppy need one (why? because if you have a puppy that pulls like a tank, the Gentle Leader will protect your puppy’s trachea, teach them not to pull on leash AND keep you safe so that you don’t fall when walking with your dog).

Once your puppy is 16 weeks of age and fully vaccinated, you and your puppy are welcome to join us for our weekly Puppy Alumni Social Walks. They take place on Saturdays at 4 pm (except for weekends with a stat holiday and 2 weeks over the Christmas holidays). The cost is $5 / household for a 1 hour off leash walk. In the summer we walk the race track in the back field (to avoid the bugs in the forest) and from September to end of May we walk in the forest (the bugs are dead or minimal) which has a 1 km hiking trail. These walks allow for off leash dog to dog socialization which develops your puppy’s skills in canine communication. It also teaches your puppy to come when called even when hanging out with buddies. Please wear appropriate clothing when walking in the forest. There are a couple of boggy areas. We promise 2 things with the forest walks: 1) your puppy will go home tired and happy 2) your puppy will go home dirty but happy (did I mention they will go home tired?)

This walk is ONLY available to Puppy Prep School Alumni. Why? To protect the new younger puppies. As dogs age and mature, so does their jaw strength. If a dog doesn’t have appropriate bite inhibition, it can cause injury to other dogs. We are PASSIONATE about keeping all attending dogs safe!

Your puppy MUST attend BEFORE they are 6 months of age and continue to attend once per month in order to ensure that they remain confident around other dogs and new attending puppies. If they miss 3 months consecutively, they will be dismissed from the opportunity to join the walks.

Our Partners and Certifications Include: